Suma & Andreas
[ About ]
スウェーデンのアーティスト アンドレアスとその妻スマの日本初アート・エキシビジョンを、2019年2月にスターバックスコーヒージャパン(玉川3丁目店)にて開催しました。
ヨーロッパ指折りの名門スウェーデンのチャルマース工科大学(Chalmers University of Technology)を卒業後、与えられた数学の道を捨て、アートの世界を追求する。
アンドレアスは長年に渡り、スウェーデンで写真家として抽象芸術から広告写真に至るまで幅広い活動をしてきました。2018年にスウェーデン Smålandから日本(東京)へと身を移し、今回が日本で初めてのアートエキシビジョンとなります。人間の内面を視覚的に情景として捉え、詩と写真とで表現する彼の制作方法はまるで瞑想のようでもあり、作品は作家による精神の旅の記録といえます。
[ About ]
Andreas and Suma presented their first collaborative art exhibition in Tokyo 2019. They work together to let Sweden and Japan meet in their art.
After seeing a dream of brightly shining orange and purple circles, triangles and squares slowly falling, Suma woke up knowing she wanted to be a designer.
As an Art Director / Creative Lead designer, Suma has worked on a great variety of design and creative projects in cooperation with for example Tokyo Metropolitan Government, various artists and a range of different companies. She has been responsible for creating new brands, which included making conceptual and visual images, creating logos, ads, displays and packaging. Suma's passion is to create something beautiful by working with design in collaboration with other professions, and as an artist she has among other things worked with a Japanese author and illustrated a book for the Danish Embassy.
A graduate from Chalmers University of Technology in Sweden, with focus on mathematics and physics, Andreas change careers many years ago and started to walk his own path exploring photography and writing.
As a photographer, Andreas has been involved in a wide range of projects ranging from abstract art photo to advertising photography. His art focuses on the dialogue between and within text and image by mixing contemplations with aspects of nature, and he hopes to offer the viewer an incentive for reflection and the opportunity to a few meditative moments. After meeting his wife Suma, Andreas moved from Småland, Sweden to Tokyo in 2018. This is his first first art exhibition in Japan.

art exhibition
「spår av kärlek 」愛の足跡
日時:2月1日(金)〜2月28日(木) 2019
月-金 9:00-21:00 土日祝 8:00-21:00
場所:Starbucks Coffee Japan, Ltd.
2019, February 1 - February 28
Monday - Friday 9:00 - 21:00
Saturday, Sunday and holidays 8:00 - 21:00
Address: 3-34-2 Tamagawa Setagaya-ku, Tokyo
※ Andreas and Suma will be present on February 2nd (Sat) 11:00-13:00.
※ free entrance

Suma & Andreas
Thank you! ありがとうございます。
Copyright © 2020 Suma & Andreas Yoshizawa